Profile picture


  • Hometown: Collonge-Bellerive, GE, Switzerland
    Languages: English: (Native), French: (Native), Portuguese: (Native), German: (B1-B2), Japanese: (N3), and Danish: (A2).
    Nationalities: Switzerland, USA, and Portugal

    Research Interests: Programming Languages, Automated Testing, Hardware Verification, Concurrency.


  • Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
    Doctor of Philosophy, PhD - Computer Science
    Field: Programming Language Design
    Aug. 2024 - Present
  • ETH Zurich, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland
    Master of Science, MSc - Computer Science
    Major: Secure & Reliable Systems - Minor: Computer Graphics
    Sep. 2021 - Apr. 2024
  • EPFL, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
    Bachelor of Science, BSc - Computer Science
    Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2020

Current Projects

  • End-to-end Modular Verification Flow for Chisel
    Designing a method for formally verifying designs in a modular manner, entirely integrated as an end-to-end flow in Chisel and CIRCT.
    Oct. 2023 - Present
    ( CIRCT / Chisel / Project Status )

Industry Research Experience

  • SiFive
    Compiler Engineer Intern
    Manager: Andrew Lenharth
    Brief: Designing an end-to-end compilation flow that unifies design and verification for high-level hardware languages in a modular and scalable way.
    April 2024 to August 2024
    ( GitHub )

Academic Research Experience

  • UC Berkeley, EECS, SLICE Lab
    Visiting Student Researcher
    Advisor: Kevin Laeufer
    Brief: Extended the CIRCT hardware compiler framework to allow for the use of formal verification constructs in higher level hardware construction languages. This research stay was in the context of my Master Thesis.
    Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
    ( GitHub / Master Thesis )
  • Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, Embedded Systems Group
    Research Assistant
    Advisor: Martin Schoeberl
    Brief: Created and developed the Chiselverify verification library for Chisel. This project adds functionalities such as Constraint Random Testing, Functional Coverage and Bus Functional Models to the Chisel ecosystem. A draft functional coverage driven mutation based fuzzer for digital circuits has also been developed in the scope of this project.
    September 2020 to Decemeber 2020, and May 2021 to September 2021
    ( GitHub / Paper )

Teaching Experience

Other Professional Experience

  • Univerrsità della Svizzera italiana
    Game Developer / Research Assistant
    Manager: Prof. Michael Multerer
    Brief: Software Engineer for the SURE sustainable development project, where we are developing a video game illustrating the impacts of energy management decisions, as well as natural and societal disasters, on the Swiss energy grid.
    June 2023 to April 2024
    ( GitHub )
  • GameLab UNIL-EPFL
    Game Developer
    Manager: Prof. Yannick Rochat
    Brief: Game developer for the GameLab research group at the University of Lausanne. The goal was to define innovative ways utilize video games for education and as a form of archival media. We worked with teams from Digital Kingdom and LeTemps across a couple of projects including Lausanne 1830 and Quatre Apparts et un Confinement.
    March 2020 to March 2023
    ( [Lausanne 1830, GitHub] / Quatre Apparts et un Confinement )


  • Formal Verification of Hardware using MLIR -- Apr'24
    Amelia Dobis
    Master Thesis ( Paper PDF / GitHub / DOI Link )
  • Verification of Chisel Hardware Designs with ChiselVerify -- Feb'23
    Amelia Dobis, Kevin Laeufer, Hans Jakob Damsgaard, Tjark Petersen, Kasper Hesse, Enrico Tolotto, Simon Thye Andersen, Richard Lin, and Martin Schoeberl
    Microprocessors and Microsystems ( Paper PDF / GitHub / DOI Link )
  • Enabling Coverage-Based Verification in Chisel -- May'22
    Amelia Dobis, Hans Jakob Damsgaard, Enrico Tolotto, Kasper Hesse, Tjark Petersen, and Martin Schoeberl
    ETS 2022 ( Paper PDF / GitHub / DOI Link )
  • Towards Functional Coverage-Driven Fuzzing for Chisel Designs -- Nov'21
    Amelia Dobis, Tjark Petersen, and Martin Schoeberl
    WOSET 2021 ( Paper PDF / GitHub )
  • ChiselVerify: An Open-Source Hardware Verification Library for Chisel and Scala -- Oct'21
    Amelia Dobis, Tjark Petersen, Hans Jakob Damsgaard, Kasper Hesse, Enrico Tolotto, Simon Thye Andersen, Richard Lin, and Martin Schoeberl
    Best Paper Award
    NorCaS 2021 ( Paper PDF / GitHub / DOI Link )

Awards / Fellowships

  • Cornell Bowers Computing & Information Science (CIS) Dean’s Excellence Fellowship
    Description: Fellowship awarded to graduate students with strong academic and personal contributions to the field of Computer Science.
    February 2024
  • Swiss Game Award 2022 - Best Serious Game
    Description: Our game "Lausanne 1830: Histoires de registres" was chosen out of 8 different nominated games at the Swiss Game Awards 2022, by a jury of experts from Nvidia and the gaming industry, to be the best serious game.
    November 2022
  • NorCaS 2021 - Best Paper Award
    Description: This was awarded for our paper entitled "ChiselVerify: An Open-Source Hardware Verification Library for Chisel and Scala". The award is given out to the paper of highest scientific and technical quality of the NorCaS 2021 conference. This is voted on both by the public attending the conference, as well as the conference's reviewing committee.
    October 2021

Review / Editorial Appointments

  • TODAES'2024 (Transactions On Design Automation of Electronic Systems)
    Journal Reviewer
    September 2024
  • DSD’2024 (27th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design)
    Prgram Committee Member
    June 2024
  • VALID’2023 (15th International Conference on Advances in Systems Testing and Validation Lifecycles)
    Prgram Committee Member
    September 2023
  • DSD’2023 (26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design)
    Prgram Committee Member
    June 2023

In-Person Conferences / Workshops

  • PLDI 2024 (SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation) -- Copenhagen, Denmark
    Atternded PLMW (Programming Languages Mentorship Workshop) hosted at PLDI. This also allowed me to attend the rest of the conference.
    June 21-25 2024
  • ETS 2022 (IEEE European Test Symposium) -- Barcelona, Spain
    Accepted Long Paper Presentation
    Attended the conference to give a long presentation of my accepted paper "Enabling Coverage-Based Verification in Chisel".
    May 23-27 2022